Harrows 7 Fold

  • Pou Auaha / Creative Director
    Mark Suckling
  • Ngā Kaimahi / Team Members
    Rob Berger, Glenn Chittock

The Opportunity
Outdoor furniture in commercial spaces is often subject to wind that can create hazards if furniture is light enough to be blown around. Frequently this furniture is used in outdoor spaces on multi storied buildings with limited access making large and heavy outdoor pieces a challenge. The Fold Table was developed to provide a signature outdoor table that with a creative and novel aesthetic that could be supplied KD and was heavy enough to withstand excessive wind.

The Design
Inspired by the way a single fold can transform a piece of flexible paper into a ridged form, the steel plate ends with a matching fold in each results in a unique design without any vertical lines. The angled fold creates interesting lines from every perspective and yet each end has the fold on the same orientation which allows for tables to be placed seamlessly end to end.
A low profile steel frame supports the top slats with a end fold design to provide lateral strength when bolted to ends without the need of lower bracing struts.
Tops are made from solid Iroko timber which is FSC certified with an oiled finish and all steel components are hot dip galvanised resulting in an attractive table design that will withstand all elements.
Available with a matching bench seat.